First Ramps of Spring
This weekend our farmer’s market had several vendors selling ramps. They are one of the first fresh things to appear in the spring, and are a sure sign that warmer weather will eventually arrive.
My darling hubby is ever on the lookout for new recipes for me to try. For seasonal ingredients, his searches usually outstrip the availability of the ingredients. So I patiently save recipes in a binder to try the next year. The featured photo is my take on Extra Rampy Ramp Risotto.
I had no ricotta on hand, so the topping when I served the dish to several friends last night was just a few roasted ramps and fresh Parmesan cheese. I served this alongside Baked Crumb Topped Fish and Roasted Green Beans.
I made tons of extra risotto, since it freezes well and with a bit of protein added, makes a complete meal.
Photo by Jennifer Sternfeld